pvb filament for 3d printing pvb filament for 3d printing

Source: shutterstock

CGMaxed unveils PVB-based adhesive, a potential game-changer for 3D printing

In a move poised to reshape the 3D printing realm, CGMaxed has introduced an innovative PVB-based adhesive solution, challenging the long-standing dominion of PVA-based liquids. As print adhesion continues to be a pivotal concern for 3D printer operators, especially those still recalling the ad-hoc days of “ABS juice” and hairsprays, this development signals a marked shift.

From the rudimentary surfaces of raw steel, acrylic, and glass, to the PEI-coated spring steel plates of today, achieving optimal print adhesion has remained paramount. While most operators have grown accustomed to PVA solutions, CGMaxed’s new PVB formula promises a bevy of advantages: swift drying even in cold applications, enhanced grip with multiple coatings, and easy clean-up using common alcohols. Impressively, it can withstand multiple prints without a dip in adhesive potency and offers significant resilience against cold drafts.

Perhaps the most enticing aspect for many will be its cost-efficiency. Priced competitively at just US$22 for a 6oz bottle, the adhesive assures both quality and longevity. Presently exclusive to eBay, this adhesive innovation is geared towards operators with glass beds, heralding a potential new standard in 3D printing adhesion.

  1. The owners of the product described (CGmaxed PVB Based Printer Bed Adhesive) would like to offer a free bottle of our product to this news agency (3DScanExpert) for testing. Perhaps they could share their results with their viewer base. The product can be applied to any print bed surface including PEI coated plates. It enhances the print bed adhesion potential of all printing surfaces.

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