Comments on: Sensor Shootout: RealSense D415 vs. SR300 vs. Orbbec Astra S 3D Mag — Explore the World of 3D Printing and Scanning with Latest News and Reviews Wed, 23 Oct 2024 12:20:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mark Wed, 22 Jan 2020 10:42:21 +0000 “Note: All models were captured with RecFusion’s Volume Resolution set to 512×512 which translate to a “voxel size” of 2mm, meaning it won’t capture details smaller than that. Theoretically these sensors have a higher depth resolution than that at close range (the resolution is distance-dependent). For instance, Intel states that the D400 series is less than 1% of the distance, meaning ~1mm at 1m.”

Wouldn’t 1% of 1m correspond to 1cm depth resolution? That seems quite a lot on the other hand. Do you have any more information on the depth resolution I could expect from the SR300/SR305?

By: Brad Sun, 21 Oct 2018 20:00:09 +0000 In addition to more research I have found that Intel 400 series work best on high powered desktops with upgraded GPU’s supporting Cuda. I have since purchased a D415 and 435 and this is confirmed that you need a solid PC. I noticed you did not compare the Razer Stargazer which is a known SR300 that has had quite a lot of development put into it. I would like to see you explore some of these other technologies and hear the results as well updated attempt with the d400 series sensors.

By: Brad Fri, 12 Oct 2018 04:58:23 +0000 I honestly get sad from reviews with hopes to find that one good product soon can stop wasting money and scan on a budget. I’m considering just holding off and buying the hp z next month when I can splurge the extra money. I need to be able to replicate products so I’m not in the position to experiment anymore. I have an f200, Kinect, and about to finish a customized raspberry pi build using 4 cross line lasers and stereo HD color cameras. I may use googles structured light project and try my projector with the cameras and see what results we get. The thing about intel is the now have the nuc with D415 built inside using their sdk. I cannot find a single review on that or their small pi like aeonn board with D415. I have a nice white back drop that sits behind the automated turn table so I don’t know if something like that would help the noise factor or perhaps a green screen. I thought a green screen wouldn’t cause noise. I have one here I haven’t put to use yet. If you could get intel to have you try those two integrated systems with their sdk that would be great and perhaps why results are not well with 3rd party software or the need for a backdrop may be necessary with them. I’m torn with D415 or D435 but it appears the 415 is the normal goto. I also don’t understand why better cameras are not used. These products don’t cost intel more than $30 to manufacture by all means they have room to improve.

By: guillermohor Sat, 25 Aug 2018 17:08:54 +0000 In reply to Yary.

Hi Yary , you need to play with these parameters:
In the intel realsense viewer;
Stereo Module->Avanced controls->depth table
– Depth Units has to be 100 for max resolution
-with depth clamp max you define the range of the camera. for example fronm min to 20cm far away max (units are not cm).
-disparity shift: this is the most importan setting. for example if you put 319 there the camera sees betwen 10-15cm and all the resolution is in 5cm so its difficult to scan an object if you go futher or closer the camera dosnt see the objectbut you will get amazing resolution.

So the total depth resolution is the same if you work with 10m range or 20cm range. if you concentrate all this resolution in 20cm you will see the change.

if you play with these parameters you can get better results than with the default settings.

a test with a tedybear:

By: Yary Thu, 23 Aug 2018 15:33:25 +0000 In reply to guillermo.

Hi Guillermo,
could you give me the settings detail to get this result at 20 cm?

By: guillermo Sat, 11 Aug 2018 16:46:16 +0000 In reply to guillermohor.

This is a D415 scan with my own profil for 20cm range scan.

By: Anonymous Fri, 27 Jul 2018 00:14:53 +0000 none of them are worth a shit as far as i can tell

By: Nick Lievendag Mon, 23 Jul 2018 08:33:00 +0000 In reply to Daniel.

It’s interesting that there are apparently different batches of the sensor with different tripod mount screws. I guess I’m lucky. I’ll add a note to the post about this.

By: Nick Lievendag Mon, 23 Jul 2018 08:24:50 +0000 In reply to Anders Grunnet-Jepsen.

Thanks for the tips, Anders. The app doesn’t seem to have these features but I will give this the RealSense viewer workaround a try ASAP and update the post if results improve.

By: guillermohor Mon, 23 Jul 2018 06:15:25 +0000 I did all that with the d415 and the results are excellent now. it really makes the difference.
