Comments on: Skanect 1.9 (with Structure Sensor) 3D Scanning Review 3D Mag — Explore the World of 3D Printing and Scanning with Latest News and Reviews Tue, 17 Sep 2024 16:30:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: oswald lieberwerth Wed, 25 Oct 2023 16:07:14 +0000 Hallo, ik heb een probleem met scanner{structure SDK op mijn Ipad6} met de uplink. als ik die aanzet wordt hij groen dus actief maar als ik een scan maak met de ipad gaat hij gelijk weer op geel, dus inactief. Heb ik eerder nooit gehad. wat zou ik hier aan kunnen doen?

By: Chris Tue, 12 Nov 2019 19:40:57 +0000 hello Nick,
I’ve got a ISense and desesperate to find a way to have it working because iOS app is not available … I read all your articles but still lost in space.

Thanks for your help to have my scanner functionnal again !

By: Jamie Fri, 28 Dec 2018 06:16:04 +0000 Hey there,
Thanks for the review! Trying to decide which software to get, and the higher geometric resolution of Skanect (vs itSeez) is important, as I’ll be using them as base meshes for high poly sculpting…. but, I’ve got an AMD card. I understand I won’t be able to use the GPU option to record in “very high”, but will I still be able to reconstruct at very high quality on the CPU (again, my main concern is getting as much geometric resolution/detail as possible)?

Thanks in advance.

By: Tom Mon, 19 Nov 2018 12:38:56 +0000 Hi,
What software suite/app would you recommend in a scenario where you need to scan a patient’s knee to manufacture a product for them?

By: Bruce Thu, 16 Nov 2017 01:53:09 +0000 Nick, thanks very much for this informative article. I’m relatively new to 3D scanning. My idea is to scan students (bust only) and have a fundraiser for my school. I need an affordable solution with easy scanning with above average resolution quality. Is there an option for me?

By: Marc Sun, 29 Oct 2017 12:44:22 +0000 Great review Nick. I paid for the Pro version of Skanect more than a year ago and was using Kinect to scan my nephews and nieces. The purpose of scanning was to 3D print their busts. Surprisingly the busts printed quite nicely — not color, but the resolution was decent.

It has been about six months since your review, so I’m wondering if any of your opinions have changed. I’m considering purchasing a Structure Sensor to use with latest iPad Pro and wanted your feedback. Given it’s nearly Nov 2017, is there anything better out there in this price range (or less than $1,500)?

Thanks in advance!

By: Ricardo Dengue Sat, 28 Oct 2017 18:23:28 +0000 I’m starting to try to get into the world of 3d scanner but as there is so much supply I’m a bit lost, as my budget is limited to project start, I can not understand out which would be the best 3d scanner to scan a motorcycle to edit in blender without lose the detail of the object and the texture is not the most important. If you manage to orient myself at this point of the project would be quite important to start.

By: Nick Lievendag Tue, 13 Jun 2017 18:42:45 +0000 In reply to Bruno.

Hi Bruno,

I never used the Watertight function but instead used the separate functions. I think I had all settings on default. I didn’t use smoothing. I do remember it’s best to make a scan without holes because the hole-filling algorithms changed the geometry somehow. I used the colorize function from the colorize menu and I did use the first frame priority.

But the first thing I always ask in case of bad Structure Sensor scans: do you use a light setup? If not, you will probably never get the results I’m getting. At least not the color quality. And this was done on the cheapest iPad mini 2 model.

By: Bruno Mon, 12 Jun 2017 21:11:51 +0000 Hello Nick,

I liked the results you got from skanect – the Patrick’s bust. What was your configuration on Process tab for that specific scan? The Watertight function – kind of Skanect one-click feature for smoothing, hole-filling and colorization or Fill Holes – geometry menu? Did you use the colorize option – under color menu? Did you enable the prioritize First Frame? Because I haven’t had good results with prioritize First Frame option enabled, the face texture doesn’t align very well.

Thank you.

By: Nick Lievendag Sun, 28 May 2017 18:11:06 +0000 In reply to Anil Kumar.

Hi Anil,

I did a short test of KScan3D and didn’t like it because it has no realtime fusion. In my opinion that’s a necessity for sensor-based scanning these days.

Intel isn’t really targeting 3D scanning with the RealSense ZR300 since it’s currently not compatible with the main RealSense SDK for Windows 10. The ZR300 only works on Linux and through Intel Joule. I guess it’s more of a tacking sensor for IoT applications.
