Comments on: 6 Must-haves for 3D Scanning Beginners 3D Mag — Explore the World of 3D Printing and Scanning with Latest News and Reviews Fri, 30 Aug 2024 17:42:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nick Lievendag Mon, 08 May 2017 07:40:49 +0000 In reply to Bruno.

Hi Bruno,

The trick for 3D scanning with a Structure Sensor is simply getting as much light as possible to get sharp, noiseless textures. And also as diffuse (soft) as possible to prevent shadows.

The setup in the GIF is using two large softboxes with 5 bulbs each and also a bit of daylight coming in through the windows.

If you get a light kit with daylight color temperature (5500 Kelvin), you can mix them with some actual daylight. I do advice to turn of any other office lights that are usually a lot warmer in color temperature. And fluorescent office lighting can even turn things a bit green on camera.

If you have a kit with 3 lights, one of them usually comes on a larger tripod with an arm that can be used to light the subject from the top.

There is a limit to the amount of actual daylight a depth sensor can handle. Too much direct sunlight will interfere with the infrared sensor. So scanning outdoors is usually impossible, unless maybe on an overcast day.

By: Bruno Sun, 07 May 2017 16:01:12 +0000 Hello Nick,

The GIF image I am referring to is in this post as well. Sorry for typing the URL link to another post 😉

By: Bruno Sun, 07 May 2017 15:47:51 +0000 Hello Nick,

I’ve been reading your blog for a few months now, and got my structure sensor after a very good review you created. I’ve had good results so far but I feel there is room for improvements (the lighting condition plays a big role when 3D scanning). I am about to buy a turntable and a light kit, and after reading a few posts in your blog I realized that a full-body scan can be done with just 2 softboxes when the person is on a turntable. However, I am not a professional photographer so I don’t know how to setup the light kit correctly. Do I need to turn off the ambient light before using the softboxes? There is a GIF image of you performing a full-body scan using 2 softboxes and a turntable ( but the image is in black and white so I don’t know if there is ambient light in your office (if the office lamp is on for example). The main reason I want to buy the light kit and a turntable is to remove those shadows from the face and other parts of the scanned people by using diffuse light and save room space with a turntable.

Thank you.

By: Nick Lievendag Fri, 24 Mar 2017 09:02:14 +0000 Hi Paul,

“3D Scanning” — or better: Reality Capture — with just a 2D camera is called Photogrammetry. You’ll just need a camera and software.

Check out my Autodesk ReMake Review:

I’ll be reviewing more software soon!



By: Paul Fri, 24 Mar 2017 07:55:55 +0000 I am an absolutely ignorant newbie but completely fascinated. So forgive the ignorance of my question:
I take it from the two scans of the statues (Schaft and the one below) that you can also 3d scan with e regular (2 d) camera?
What camera, other hardware and software do you need for that?

Thanks and best regards

By: Nick Lievendag Fri, 10 Mar 2017 09:54:38 +0000 In reply to Trevor Roscoe.

Hi Trevor,

The Makerbot Digitizer is a laser scanner, so as far as I know it can work in complete darkness. Just put a cardboard box over it while it’s scanning to test. Zero interference 🙂

By: Trevor Roscoe Thu, 09 Mar 2017 17:03:55 +0000 Hello, I am a highschooler, and we have a a Makerbot Digitizer. Obviously, not the best 3d scanner, but hey its public school so you can’t blame them. Anyways, I am supposed to build a sort of “lighting box” to make it so people moving in the room don’t project shadows and screw up the scans. Are there any non-reflective materials that would work best for this type of small-space box?

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